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  • 2024-07-10 10:41
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英语短文故事 1

There are three fairy godmothers in a magical kingdom: the flowers, the blue sky and the emerald fairies. Their friendship and the strength of unity can defeat the evil - black witch. The black witch charmed the newborn princess, and the three fairy godmothers knew that they had to protect the child.

The flower fairy had an idea that the black witch would not think that they would pretend to be a peasant woman to raise the child. The blue sky fairy agrees, but the jade fairy doesnt want to give up the magic. "We always do things without magic," she says. But the flower fairy knew that as long as they worked together, they could do it.

So they lived incognito for 15 years, and they loved the beautiful princess as if they loved their daughter. On princess auroras sixteenth birthday, the fairy godmother asked her to pick some berries to surprise her. She was collecting berries and humming a little song. The animals in the forest were attracted by her singing, and elo told them they dreamed of meeting a handsome stranger and falling in love with him.

Not far away, prince Philip heard the song of elo, and he told the horse that if he could find the singer, he would give it to him. The horse was so excited by the carrots that he dropped prince Philip into the stream.

Princess elo and the rabbit, and the owl, saw the wet clothes of prince Philip. Princess aurora danced with the prince, and when she was about to go home, prince Philip said, "I am not a stranger. We have met before." Elo also thought they were familiar. She took his hands and they went into the forest. They know that this moment of true love can treasure each other forever.

It was the happiest moment of my life, and princess aurora told the fairy godmothers. But they did not like to hear the story of the handsome stranger. After the flower fairy, the blue sky fairy and the emerald fairy told elo that she was a princess, she thought she might never see the stranger she liked again.

When the fairy godmother brought the princess back to her castle, the black witch was waiting to curse her. When eros put her finger on the spinning wheel, the spell appeared, and only the kiss of true love could awaken the sleeping princess. When the fairy godmother knew that prince Philip was a stranger in the forest. The three fairy godmothers cast their magic and helped the brave prince Philip to defeat the dragon from the black witch.

A kiss of true love, princess aurora once more opened her eyes to see her lover. The fairy godmothers danced happily. They knew that princess aurora and prince Philip would live happily ever after.

英语短文故事 2

Cindy lived on a farm. Her father had a lot of horses. She always wanted her to have a pony of her own.

One day, the ranch was born a pony, and it was born without a tail, otherwise it would be perfect.

Her father told her they were going to let her take care of the pony.

But Cindy said she didnt want to look after a pony without a tail.

But when she took care of the other ponies, the little horse with no tail clung to her, and gradually she began to care about the pony.

One day, in order for Cindy to ride her, her father decided to help her train her horse. He bought her a beautiful saddle and Cindy would brush her mount.

Cindys mother asked her what the horse was called, and she was going to call her horse, but she thought about it,

Finally, she said, "although she has no tail, she is still a princess. So, Ill call her princess."

After that, Cindy would ride around with the princess every day.

The princess with no tail, grew up to be the most beautiful horse Cindy ever saw!

英语短文故事 3

The white mouse kingdom lies on a wide field with a large farm. Various kinds of food are grown on the farm. The mice were fed all day and led a carefree life. There was a princess in the white mouse kingdom. She thought it was dull and boring. She often stood on the castle, looking at the castle of the black mouse kingdom in the distance, and thought, if you can go there, it will be great!

One day, the white mouse princess finally made a decision to take a bus to the castle of the black mouse kingdom. Then she found a lot of artisans and asked them to make a car as fast as they could. So the white rats were collecting materials for the car. They found a big pumpkin." Well, its a good material for a car." Everyone is working together, some digging doors and Windows, some turning on the steering wheel... The beautiful pumpkin car is ready. But the wheels were not yet loaded! The rats craftsmen thought for a long time and couldnt figure out what to use as a wheel. "We cant find the right material for the wheel, princess," the craftsman told the princess. "How silly you are! Its not a good idea to have a lot of potatoes in front of you. "Said the princess impatiently. The white rat quickly finished the four wheels. After the wheel mounted, the whole pumpkin car was finished. The white mouse craftsman pulls the pumpkin cart to the princess.

The white mouse got on the pumpkin cart and set off. The scenery was beautiful along the way. The princess who did not leave the white mouse kingdom was very happy. Before she knew it, she was already near the castle of the black mouse kingdom. At that moment, many little black mice came out of the burrow to meet the white mouse princess. At the castle, there were flowers and bands playing music, and the white mouse princess was warmly welcomed. The black mouse kingdom made a very fancy sports car with big peas. The prince of black mouse drives a pea-sports car and takes the white mouse around. The scene of the rat kingdom is quite different from that of the rat kingdom, with many monuments and statues. The white mouse princess looked, feeling very fresh, very interesting. The more she played, the happier she was. The day went by, and the prince of the black mouse had his own business to do, and could not play with the white mouse. The white mouse princess played, feeling a little lonely. She began to miss home, and finally, she decided to return to the rat kingdom. The white mouse princess left the castle and came to the place where the pumpkin cart was parked. She found that the beautiful pumpkin car had gone bad, and the wheels had sprouted up into the soil.

The car wont open. What shall we do? Without a car, the white mouse had to walk home. Well, the way home is so long, I dont know how long it will take her to get home!

英语短文故事 4

One day, her pet cat jumped on the tree and didnt come down. Molly was angry and said, "cut the tree down and catch the cat!" "The attendant was frightened and said," princess, this cannot be cut down! It is the sacred tree of the kingdom!"

"I dont care! Cut off quickly!"

The sorcerer cary heard, and the spell came to him, and a garland hat appeared on his head. Molly saw it and was attracted by it. "can you give it to me?" she asked. Carrie hesitated.

"You are so mean! Molly is getting angry again.

"Princess, this is a magic hat, or... "

"Im not afraid! Molly grabbed her hat and ran away.

Back in the room, she danced with excitement, and the wreath on her hat gave off a fragrance. All of a sudden, something strange happened: a cloud of white smoke came out, and a girl with the same appearance as Molly was emerging. "You, who are you?" she screamed. Suddenly the girl screamed loudly, "I am princess jasmine!" Ah! She was so angry that she turned the table over. Molly was frightened and hid under the bed.

"You, you go out! "Said Molly nervously.

Who knows, that girl again angry: "I why want to go out, this is my home!" Rumble! The room vibrated.

"Oh -- somebody! "Cried Molly, crying and running out the door.

"Take back the devil in your hat!" Molly is to the sorcerers card.

"Oh? Thats not the devil, shes you!"

"How funny! Im not that big of a temper!" Molly didnt believe it.

"This is you in a few years! Dont believe it, you see --" Carrie took out the crystal ball, and Molly saw a shaggy, angry girl in it, and it was a crazy mess! She was startled and a little frightened.

"Bad temper is not only bad for you, but you wont have any friends around you!" "Said Carrie.

"That...... Is there any way to not be like that?" "Asked Molly nervously.

"That, there is a bottle here, and there are many seeds in it, and you plant all the seeds, and when they bear fruit, the temper will be gone!" Take out a magic bottle with the name of the flower on the label: sincere, kind, friendly, smile. The end marked: water with the heart. Molly was glad to accept it, when she was surprised to find that the irascible girl in the crystal ball had disappeared and could not see anything.

"Im afraid to go inside... "Molly remembered that there was a scary woman in the house.

"Ha, shes been locked up by me. You dont have to be afraid." Carrie said.

Molly nodded happily.

From then on, Molly was careful to do the work every day, according to the words on the label. Before long, she changed, became a very good and good princess, one day, her flower seed finally blossomed, the fruit, at that time, she has grown into a big girl!

英语短文故事 5

It is said that a long time ago there was a city pond, under the protection of god, the nobles of the city of the city lived a luxurious and decadent life. With all the boredom of the emptiness, the nobles were endlessly amused and changed to "celebrate the country". The prime minister was born with a foal, and had three days of dancing; The generals youngest daughter was married, and the emperor ordered a five-day holiday.

It all seemed to have nothing to do with the fairy durilla, who was still sitting in the corner of the wall picking up peas in the ashes. Oh, today is a special day!" Stepmother shouted yelling, "what happened" elder sister shook a maple red feather fan walking leisurely, "I know, today we princes 18th birthday, the adult ceremony, heard that he want to be in this evening party selects a girl do a lifelong partner!" The second sister excitedly said, as if afraid of people interrupt her words "wayan, we should make good dress up today!" "Oh, oh heh heh heh!" The eldest sister laughed wildly, and did not worry about her ladylike image, "the future queen, not me... "Oh, come on, Im ready for the dress," said the stepmother, taking out two evening gowns. "hurry and change, and well have to go." Wayan and the second sister happily agreed to go upstairs with the dress.

"Mom, I want to go too... "Said fairy durilla, in a whisper, afraid of offending her stepmother. Forget it, if you go to the prince will not look at you, go is also white go, you still be good at home to pick peas, ha ha ha ha ha." The stepmother smiled and left.

Fairy tulare alone sitting in the corner, small roll of hair, with the wind gone with the wind gone with the wind, the wind opened her bangs, smooth forehead, also show the blue crystal beautiful big eyes, she thought of the dead mother, her tears flowing down quietly. She was going, she was going to the ball, she had a vague premonition of something, and maybe the ball could change her... "She thought, and ran to the cherry tree.

"Dear cherry tree god, please give me a beautiful dress, I will go to the princes ball." Fairy tulare, hands folded reverently said magic under the cherry trees were off a water blue dress, with shiny bead piece above, fairy tulare quickly wear good dress, with joy to the castle.

Her hair, her bright blue eyes, and her water-blue evening dress, she stood at the gate of the castle, and she was as graceful as a fairy. She walked slowly into the dance floor, instantly attracting the attention of the whole audience, and, of course, his royal highness. The handsome prince danced to her in the waltz, and she was not the Cinderella who sat in the corner picking peas, but the princess. She looked into the princes eyes, and she knew that she was in love with the prince and fell hopelessly in love with him. But she was only a Cinderella, and the prince was noble, but she believed that the prince loved her. "what is your name, pretty girl?" The prince asked with a smile, "fairy durilla." "She said carefully. The prince and the fairy durilla kept spinning round the dance floor. At the end of the dance, she was in a hurry, and her shoes were in the princes hands. She wanted to marry the prince and let the prince find her. But she was wrong, and the prince dropped her shoes into the rubbish bin soon after she disappeared into the dusk, and a cold smile appeared on her lips.

It was hard to be calm when she came home. The thought that the prince would come to her with his shoes raised a warm heart. But she waited till the prince came to her, and she thought that perhaps the prince was too busy, and perhaps too difficult to find herself, so she decided to go to the party and see the prince again tomorrow.

The next day, she came to the prince in a more beautiful dress, but saw the prince with his big sister in his arms. She did not expect this, she silently entered the dance floor, the scene of the dancing yesterday is still vivid, the fairy du rilla cried.

Soon came the news that the prince was getting married, and suddenly she felt a little dizzy, and could not believe it was true.

Maybe Cinderella will never become a princess, but the prince is just a beautiful dream in her heart.

A few years later, fairy durilla married a woodcutter, who loved her very much, and she loved the woodcutter, and her sweet smile was as bright as all the brides.

英语短文故事 6

Mice chess, look at is not we often play chess, because the little mouse, although know is inside the elephant and horse, but for those who will, handsome, soldiers and died, but he had never seen. So he thought chess was boring, and he liked to see a different kind of chess game.

It was a fine day. A group of young children wearing red scarves went to the forest. The mouse heard the noise and came out to watch. He was a mouse living in the wild, and his hole was on the edge of the forest. So he could see the red scarves as a game if he squatted at the mouth of the cave.

The mouse was not happy, because this morning he went to the north to live with his neighbour, the elephant. He wanted three, but the elephant was only willing to give him one, so he got angry and thought the elephant was just as bad as an old cat. Now he squatted down at his hole and watched a team of red scarves line up. He saw a small flag on the front of each party, with all kinds of different beasts embroidered on it. In front of it was the flag of a lion, embroidered with a tiger on the back, and a flag embroidered with the elephant. The mouse was looking forward, he thought, if there was a flag in the procession that was embroidered with a mouse, how interesting it would be! Sadly, the red scarf had gone, and the flag of the mouse he was looking for had not appeared.

This is the second thing that has made him angry today.

And the third thing that made him angry! It happened while he was watching chess. Lets start again!

The red scarves are happily playing, some singing, some dancing, some collecting specimens, some reading poems. None of these things interest the mouse, but disgust him. It was known to all that the mouse was a thief, and he came out at night to steal things, and rested all day by day. But can these children be so noisy that he can sleep? He really wanted to drive the little ones out of the forest. If hes a tiger, yell, or maybe do it. In fact, he was just a little mouse, and he squeaked and squeaked, but only slightly louder than the mosquitoes.

So he went out of the hole and looked at chess.

英语短文故事 7

There was a little boy who, on his birthday, received a large box of gifts, and when he opened it, there were 25 small tin soldiers in it. The little boy was very happy.

The pewter soldier wore a red coat, blue trousers, and a gun. The little boy took them one by one and put them on the table. One, two, three, when he got the last one, he suddenly found that the little tin soldier had only one foot.

Many poor. Nevertheless, the little boy liked him very much.

The little boy had a sister who made a castle out of hard paper. There is a small blue lake in the castle, and a few swan in the water to swim, the lake also stood a girl that she was wearing a blue ribbon, wearing a red skirt, she raised her one foot high, hidden inside the skirt, looks like also only one leg.

It turned out that the little girl was dancing a ballet!

My sister said to her brother, "let your little tin soldier protect my castle."

The elder brother agreed happily, and he placed the little tin soldier around the castle, taking on the guard duty.

The elder brother put a small tin soldier on the side of the cigarette box, and the sister put the ballerina on the other side of the cigarette box. How interesting.

The little tin soldier stood upright, his eyes secretly watching the ballet girl, and he stood with one foot, not feeling tired. The little tin soldier admired her very much and thought she was very lovely.

The night was deep and the castle was full of excitement. Only the little tin soldier and the ballerina stood motionless. But the little tin soldier always looked at the ballerina.

Suddenly, the lid of the cigarette box was opened, and a black goblin jumped out and drove the little tin soldier to the window. "you must be honest," he said. "you cant stare at a girl." With that, the black goblin breathed a sigh of relief, and blew the little tin soldier out of the window.

The next morning, the little boy found the small tin soldier disappeared, and nannies a looking, and they with a stick in his hand, from the upstairs to find downstairs, and find a house, also specially to find under the window, still cant find in the end.

Soon it was raining and the little boy had to go home. Just then, two boys passed by, and they found little tin soldiers in the rain. They made a boat out of the newspaper, put the small tin soldiers on the boat, and the little tin soldiers floated down the ditch.

The little tin soldier was standing on the boat with his eyes fixed on the front, and he thought, if only the ballet girl could be with her, that would be great!

Suddenly, a big fish came and swallowed the little tin soldier. The little tin soldier came to the fishs belly, but the fish could not digest it. It was very hard.

There was such a coincidence in the world that the little boys nanny went to the market to buy the vegetables and bought the fish. When she cut the fishs stomach with a knife, the pewter soldier appeared again.

The nurse sent the little tin soldier into the little boys room. The little boy was pleasantly surprised.

But for some reason, the little master suddenly went into the furnace.

The little tin soldier did not make any mistake. Why did the little boy throw him into the fire? Maybe its the black goblin in the smoke box. The fire burned, and the little pewters feet and hands melted.

Suddenly the door opened, and a gust of wind blew the ballerina, blowing her up high and high, and falling very low, all the way up to the fire, to the little pewter soldier. By this time the little tin soldier had become tin.

The next day, when the babysitter was cleaning the stove, she found the little tin soldier turned into a small tin heart, and the ballerina melted into the tin heart.

英语短文故事 8

When I was a kid, maybe I saw the little cock adventure, maybe not. On that day, I happened to buy these two versions of "the little cock adventure" at two stalls, and then began to read. The language of fairy tales is very beautiful and some passages are like prose poems. The first half of the story is interesting, and only when it comes to the end, didactic meaning is concentrated -- otherwise, it would be a perfect fairy tale.

It is not known which year the adventures of David sun was written, and if it had been written after the adventures of the cockerel, its writing would probably have been inspired by the book. I dont know which one of the best fairy tales he has ever seen, which is the most interesting, and the illustrations are well combined with the original works. In the first edition and in the reversion, yan and Adas illustrations are completely two styles, one is realistic, one is based on freehand brushwork, but can each attain its own wonderful, just like the heaven.

This fairy tale is a little longer than "the great forest and the little Lin", and the story is more complete, and it belongs to the whole story. For older children, the suspense is not "hanging", especially for adults. However, the freshness and elegance of language, the vivid and precise words, give it a unique charm.

There are so many illustrations, I cant put them on. I can do it. I can only finish it as soon as possible.

Recently, a friend said, every good fairy tale, the reading of the feeling is very good. So, try reading this: how do you feel when you read those fresh descriptions and vivid conversations?

英语短文故事 9

There was a green grass on the high hill, and it sang merrily every day, and danced with the breeze. One day, it came up with an idea -- I want to grow into a flower. Oh, my god, this slender green grass is dreaming of blossoming into a flower. What should it do? Anxious to make it lethargy, he dropped his head and touched the land grandpa. The land asked him, "happy grass, why dont you sing?" The grass said, "I want to grow into a flower, beautiful enough to compare with the rainbow."

The land grandfather smiled, "it is so, it is good to have a dream, how do you want to achieve it?" The grass lowered its head again. "I only have green blood." Land uncovered his body said: "my body is very rich, can help your blood red, iron copper can help you to blue, and there are many, you need me, although absorption, can do something for your dream, I am very happy." The grass looked up: "really? Thank you, grandpa. "But there is one more important thing that needs your own effort, and it will be a day of flowers," said the land.

The grass dilated with longing eyes: "what thing? I am willing to work hard.

Land grandpa slowly speak to: "every morning, your body will have a night on the solidification of the dew, they had only difficulty by a drop of ordinary water evaporation, liquefaction, the process all between heaven and earth to witness the beautiful color, in their memories, when the sun shines, the color will emanate from the body of the dew. You must try to absorb these colors, keep them in your memory, and gather them into a flower in the spring. Do you understand?

The grass has already begun the wonderful fantasy, this is how magical ah!

When the day was bright, the grass woke up, and it noticed that there was a crystal clear water, but how could there be no color? Oh, the sun hasnt come out yet. The grass waited patiently, and looked about the lovely dewdrop. Slowly, the sun came out, it felt a ray of light, a flash, more beautiful than a rainbow. The grass was intoxicated with the light, and the time passed so quickly that the sun rose and the dewdrops were about to disappear. The grass hurriedly rises: "the land grandpa, you come quickly, small dewdrop is about to disappear, how to do?" The land had a little grass of the brain: "little fool, they cant stand the sun, and when the light is gone, they disappear. You must make sure that you have a good time and a little effort every day, and you will be able to make beautiful flowers. The grass nodded knowingly.

The next morning, the grass became more appreciable of the dew. It worked hard to absorb every ray of dew, filling its memory. One day passed, a week passed, a month passed... The grass suddenly discovers oneself head grows a bud, is the color to build a small warehouse in oneself body? The breeze is blown, the grass feels oneself to want to control these colors, they scramble to send out, a flap, two petals, flower bud slowly blooming, look! In the vast expanse of grass, the grass leaves early a seven - coloured flower, more beautiful than a rainbow.

英语短文故事 10

A little ant, when he first went out to look for food, was lucky enough to find a large piece of cookie crumbs. He was so happy that he wanted to give the cookie to his mother, the queen. Crumbs around in circles, found cookies slag is very big, by its own strength alone not shipped back, but it didnt want to look for partners to help it to mother, want to alone to hear her praise.

Because of this big wish, he climbed up to the cookie crumbs, tried with both hands, and the crumbs did not move, and he frowned and thought, how can you bring the cookie back to that?

As it happened, a praying mantis passed by the ant, and the little ant ran to him and asked, "uncle mantis, can you do me a favor?"

"Ah? !" The mantis was startled by the sudden appearance of the ant. The little ant said, "what can I do for you?"

The little ant said, "I found a piece of cookie crumbs. I want to send it back to my mother! But I cant lift it. Can you help me?"

"Cookie crumbs? Can eat?" Why dont you have some grass? Its sweet and sweet. Its not so hard to carry back.

The little ant shook his head and said, "but I dont want to eat grass."

The mantis had to shrug and walk away.

The little ant looked at the cookie and sighed. What would you do?

The little ant looked up and said, "aunt butterfly, you wait. I want to ask you to do me a favor."

The butterfly flew to the ant and asked, "little ant, what can I do for you?"

The little ant pointed to the cookie crumbs and said, "aunt butterfly, I found a piece of cookie crumbs. I want to send it back to my mother! But I cant lift it. Can you help me?"

The butterfly turned around the cookie crumbs and said, "I said you, can you eat the crumbs? Huang is so dirty, I advise you to eat the flower nectar, that is clean and delicious."

The little ant shook his head and said, "no! I dont like nectar. I just want to get this cookie back home.

The butterfly was so unhappy with the little ants stubbornness that it flew away at once.

The little ant flew away as soon as he saw the butterfly, and cried sadly.

Then a swallow flew up and asked, "why are you crying, little ant?"

The little ant looked up at the swallow and said, "sister swallow, I want to send this cookie home to my mother, but I cant carry it."

The swallow smiled, "why dont you tell your partner to help you?"

The little ant said, "I... I...... "

The swallow then said, "you dont want the credit to be taken by your mates, are you? But this time I helped you. Who will help you next time? Ants are a group. They are always helping each other in finding food. You should not be selfish and out of the group.

The little ant listened to the blush, and felt that sister swallow was right, and that she should go to her companions for help. So he stopped crying, and straightened up and said to the swallow, "sister swallow, thank you, Ill go and find my friends to help." Then he hurried back to the nest, called a lot of partners, and then moved the cookie back home. The queen was happy to see that the little ant was a sensible child.

The little ant was praised and red with great joy.

英语短文故事 11

"Once upon a time there was a king who had a flea. The king was very thoughtful, even better than his relatives. The king ordered a tailor: listen to me, minion! Give my friend a long gown. The flea put on his dragon robe, and his whole body was shining with gold. "

The famous "song of the flea", written by the German poet johann Wolfgang von Goethe, is written by the Russian music master mussolsky and is widely circulated around the world. Nowadays, the song of the flea is often heard in the city.

It was half a month ago when a circus came to the city. To tell the truth, the circus is very, very strange, a total of only a man, his body and head, deputy chief of mission, coach, music, stage manager, led, command the breeder, accounting, etc. So many positions. As for the circus performer, it is also very, very unusual, and the actors and props can be contained in a box smaller than a lighter, known as the "miniature circus".

Who is the actor in this "mini circus"? Hey, you cant believe that the actors are a bunch of fleas!

A mini circus, or a flea circus. The leader of the worlds unique and unparalleled flea master. He was thin and long, like a wizened towel gourd, but his eyes were large, and he shot the sapphire light. He had a small, thick, black beard under his nose.

"Mini circus" is a wonderful show. Before each performance, Mr. Bounces around the standard bass, singing "the song of the flea" first. Singing, in the audience couldnt help the warm applause, the jump Mr. Jump began to direct the performers.

However, the actor was so small that he could only perform on a stage as small as a cigarette box. The flea jumped on a wooden horse as small as a sesame seed, and with the rhythm of the music, one shake was very interesting!

Fleas will seize the silk thread, perched precariously on the swings back and forth, is the most interesting of the leap to Mr Crafted a car only half "rickshaw" as small grain of rice, a flea jump on the car, the other a flea will pull the car, on the small stage beat around the bush!

Ever since he came to the city, he has become a red man. The reporter of the "quack" newspaper interviewed Mr. Scamper and published a long story. The report caused a stir in the city. Leap to jump, however, does not agree with Mr Published "miniature circus" stills, likewise, dilute li hua city of "the most good-looking film studios," "the most good-looking television" requested filming, Mr Hopper, was rejected. In order to be able to see "the circus" actor, stage are small, each audience is no more than three people -- three audience head occupied the small stage on three sides, as for the other side, is the head of Mr Leap to jump on the head.

Mr. Bouncer was so busy that he went from house to house giving a performance to the big shots in the city. Unfortunately, Mr. Bouncer claims that the little actors are so tired that they can only play one game a day.

After the play, Mr. Bouncer held out his hand, and asked the little actors to jump on their arms and let them soak up the blood. It is said that this is a tribute to the success of the young actors. At this moment, the audience was staring at the little actor who was walking on his arm and taking blood.

The whole selection of childrens fairy tales was read:

The short classic fairy tale.

3: interesting short fairy tale.

英语短文故事 12

Piperus was hiding in the closet in the room in lusisi. There was a crack in the closet door, and pipeus eyes glared through the darkness at the window.

The clock on the wall struck the twelve o clock bell.

Youve probably heard of piperus and lucie, yes, the twin brother and sister.

In the fourth grade. Its always interesting.

Late last night, lucie was in his sleep and saw a dark shadow coming through the window into her room. Before she could shout, the black shadow floated out of the window again. This morning she told her about it. Piperus told his sister not to tell his father and mother that he hated those who had trouble with his mother and father. Pippelu decided to come tonight and see what the black shadow was. You know, pipeu lives on the second floor! He could come in through the window, and he would walk on the wall without saying a word, which was the work of pippurs dream, and he could not find a master to teach him!

From ten o clock in the evening, piperus hid in the closet in his sisters room, and he was ready with a flashlight and a stick.

Lucy lay on the bed pretending to sleep, and the atmosphere did not dare to go out.

Suddenly, the curtain shook. Piperus trembled all over, and looked at it, and there was no movement, it was probably the wind.

Pipeu was so angry that he wanted to close his eyes for a moment, but he felt a cold air coming in from the outside, and the air was so cold that he had a bone in his face. It was a long time, then, when a black shadow jumped out of the window, and there was no sound on the ground.

Piperus held his breath to see what the shadow wanted to do.

The black shadow jumped up to the calendar and looked at the calendar.

"What is the calendar?" "Piperus thought. He felt the black shadow as terrible as the ghost in the book. The more terrible it was, the more he wanted to see what it was.

Pipeu was so angry that he burst out of the closet and sat down on the window-sill, blocking the black shadows escape. Then he turned on the torch, and a dazzling light shot through the darkness.

What a monster! The cow head, human body, also rode a beast that said not famous.

Piperus gasped. Lucy quickly covered her head with a quilt.

The monster was about to defend itself, and as soon as he saw it was a boy, he stopped at the same spot.

"You. ...... You are. ...... Who is it? To the. ...... Come to my house. ...... What for? He ventured to ask, seeing that the monster had not hurt him.

"You dont know me? The monster felt strange.

"Me? Know you?" Piperus looked at the monster. It was a little familiar.

"I am the bull demon king!" The bull demon king introduced himself.

"The devil! Pipeu was surprised. He looked more closely. It was the bull demon in the journey to the west! You, youre alive?" "Certainly alive. Ive heard that this year is the year of the ox. I didnt think I had a bad reputation on earth. People hated me, and I didnt even have a place to stay. The bull demon king sighed.

Pipeu sympathized with the demon king. Yes, people come all the way to the earth to visit, why to be cool to people! Just because they didnt lend the monkey plantain fan a few thousand years ago? Wasnt that already mistaken? Piperus hates to look at other people all the time. He was hurt in school. The teacher and most of his classmates decided that he was not a big boy. !

"You will rest in our house, we welcome you!" Piperus jumped down from the window-sill and pulled out the light.

The bull demon opened his eyes in surprise. I could see that he was grateful to piperus for his sympathy.

"My name is piperus, and this is my sister, lucie." "He said, pulling lucie out of bed and introducing him to the bull demon king. Lucie was too frightened to see the bull.

"You go and get some food for the bull demon, and dont wake up mom and dad." Piperus ordered his sister.

Lucie went around the bull demon king and went to the kitchen to get some food.

"What are you riding on? Piperus asked the bull demon king.

"Its called the blue water and gold, its my ride." The bull demon king said as he came down from the blue water, and pointed to the wall calendar and asked, "is this painting full of oxen?" The bull demon king is looking at the cow on the calendar! He told him that because this year was the year of the ox, cattle were painted everywhere.

I can see that the bull demon is proud.

Lucy brought a plate of meat. She still dare not approach the bull demon king.

"Dont be afraid, Im a handsome man! The bull demon king said and took a breath and turned into a beautiful young man.

His eyes lit up, he remembered, and the bull demon would change! Piperus was excited.

He was so happy that the bull demon king came to the world for the first time. The bull demon wanted to do something for them.

英语短文故事 13

There was a Wolf named phil in the mountain. He was the only one in the Wolf family who knew the words. A year ago, with a dictionary he had found, he was able to knock out a few pages.

On this day, phil was lying in the house with his eyes closed, and a little Wolf came running in with a book.

"I picked up a book." The Wolf gave the book to phil.

Phil took it over. It was an idiom dictionary.

"What book? "Asked many wolves.

"Its all adjectives." Phil flipped the book.

"Is there any description of our Wolf? "Asked a Wolf.

"Let me see." Phil is looking. "here."

"Read it." Everyone urged.

"The heart of a dog." Phil read aloud.

"Yes, the heart of our Wolf is still in the dictionary." "Said the Wolf proudly.

"In front of the dogs lungs! Another Wolf was smug.

Phil frowned as phil looked at the word.

"This is to scold us that!" Phil had a drink.

"How to scold?" The wolves were puzzled.

"The heart of the dog means the man is terrible!" Phil said.

Thats enough. Thats it!

The Wolfs pride was hurt.

"Look, are there any other words?" "Said the Wolf.

"And there is, um, collusion. ...... "Phils brow furrowed even tighter.

"The Wolf is in the way. ...... "Phil found another one.

"Were out of the aisle! A Wolf is quite wronged.

"Not to say you stand in the way, is to scold us that!" Phil was ashamed of his compatriots IQ.

"Didnt say we were good? An old Wolf is unconvinced.

"The ambitious Wolf, the Wolf, the Wolfs ambition. ...... Thats enough!" Phil dropped the book on the floor.

The wolves were very sad.

英语短文故事 14

The most troublesome thing for rabbits is that they have no carrot to eat in summer.

Carrots are the favorite food of every member of the rabbit family. So rabbits like winter and carrots in winter. They are afraid of summer and summer without carrots.

The black ear is recognized as a scholar in the rabbit family. He was caught in the city and lived in the city for three months. After a long life, he escaped back. Black ears often talk to friends about new things in the city.

One winter night, the rabbits were sitting in the trees eating carrots and listening to black ears.

"The car, it drives very fast. We cant catch up. The black ear nibbled the carrot, said with relish.

As for the speed of the car, the rabbits had heard a hundred and eighty times, and were not interested.

"Hey, black ear, youve seen so much in the city. Do you have a way of getting us to eat carrots in the summer?" "Asked an old rabbit.

"It. ...... "Black ears scratched his head." yes, they have a way of preserving food, called cans. You can put food in a can for a long time. "Lets put the carrots in the tin. Cant we eat the carrots in summer?" "Said the other rabbit.

Everyone thought it was a good idea.

"Black ears, can you make a can?" Everyone asked.

"No. But I can go to town to learn. The black ear plucked up the courage to say. You know, going to town is no joke. To be caught, to be heavy, to kill, to be confined. But black ears thought it was worth taking the risk to change the rabbit familys history of not having a carrot in the summer.

"Ill go with you." "Said a rabbit, known as the white tail.

Everyone was touched, and after a thousand exhorts, he sent his black ears and white tail to the edge of the wood.

英语短文故事 15

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful elf, she was wearing a clean little dress, and a pair of wings with colorful lights. It was also a particularly shy little elf, who would hide nervously at the sight of strangers. People like elves very much, so they often come to see her. But the shy elf had to move a lot in order not to be seen. Move in, and finally the elf settled in a big turnip. The radish is very clean, and there is a faint fragrance. The new home was warm, and the elf danced with multicolored wings happily. After a short time, an old woman accidentally discovered this radish, happily took the turnip back home, ready to cook the next day a pot of fragrant radish soup. Well, I dont know that there is a shy elf in the radish.

The elf did not know that he followed the radish to the old womans house, so she began to sing every night on time. "My name is elf, and I like the moon and the stars."

The old woman was awakened by the song and found the elf in the radish. "who are you, little girl singing?" "Asked the old woman. The elf was very shy. After a long time, he began to say, "I am an elf." The old woman listened and happily asked, "would you like to stay at my house and keep company with me?" Is the elf willing? Shes the most afraid of strangers.

But thinking of the old woman so lonely, the elf bravely decided to stay with the old woman. In this way, the elf became a member of his wifes family and lived happily. Now the elf is no longer shy, and her happiest thing is to sing and dance.

英语短文故事 16

Mother cat gave birth to two lovely kittens in the spring.

It was the younger brother, who was standing around his mother and meowing. The little brothers grew up with the care of their mother, and they began to learn to catch mice with their mother. The cat mother takes the kitten to the yard to train, and the brother is tired to wheeze. Mother cat is going home to prepare lunch for the kittens, leaving them to practice on their own. Brother, I dont want to practice." As soon as mother was gone, the younger brother cried out on the ground. His brother wiped the sweat from his head and encouraged his brother to say, "dont be discouraged, brother. We work hard to acquire skills, and then we can catch mice, feed ourselves and become good cats."

Hearing what the elder brother said, the younger brother wanted to feel very reasonable, and immediately stood up and went on practicing with his brother.

英语短文故事 17

In the magic group, there was an old man with a strange hat. He breathed in his hat, and there was a lot of delicious food in it, candy, cake, and apples. Short classic fairy tale.

"Hi! How good it would be to steal this strange hat! Thats what two l rats say. In the evening, they sneaked to the old mans house. The old man was asleep, and the hat was over his grandfathers face. "Well, I think its best to steal a mouse. Youre small and light." "Said the rat, squeezing his eyes. "Cheep?? "

The little mouse screamed in fear. "I wont go! Im afraid!"

No, grandpa was snoring, snoring, like thunder.

The rat was angry, and felt his beard and said, "all right! Come on! Its all cowards. Youre not going. Im going. In fact, the rat was afraid in his heart. He looked up, and when he came to the old mans bed, he was snoring. He put his tail under his hat and tried to lift it up with his tail. Why, whats the matter? The tail is stuck in a small hole. Oh, its grandpas nostrils! "A-choo -" the old man felt the tickling of his nostrils, sneezed a big sneeze, and he was so frightened that he ran to the door and said to the mouse, "run, run!" They run and run, and then they stop. The big mouse said, "there is an a-choo in the hat. If you touch it, it will give you a shot, but if I did not run fast, I would have been killed."

英语短文故事 18

One morning, the little orioles parents were going out. Before leaving, my father told the little oriole, "children, be careful when you are at home. If someone is knocking at the door, be sure to open the door."

After mom and dad left, little oriole watched TV at home. After a while, the little oriole heard the knock on the door.

"Who are you?" asked the little oriole.

"Its me, Im the magpie. The little oriole, open the door!" Answered the door. The little oriole remembered the words of his father and mother, and did not open the door.

The clever little huang li moved a stool and stood on the station and looked out of the window. Oh, my god, it was a hawk knocking at the door.

So the little oriole said, "aunt magpie, do you look for mother? Shes sleeping. Ill call her." Why, there is no movement outside the door? The little oriole looked again, and the eagle was dead.

The brave and clever little oriole drove the eagle away.

英语短文故事 19

There was a stupid Wolf, who was tired of being alone in the forest, and wanted to go to school. The Wolf came to school, sat among the children, and listened to the teacher.

In the first lesson, the teacher teaches you to learn words. The teacher wrote the word "apple" on the blackboard and said, "this is apple." "No, the apples are round and red." The stupid Wolf stood up and objected. "Yes, the stupid Wolf said no hunting. We all ate apples and knew what it was like." "Said the other children. "This is the word apple, not the real apple." "Said the teacher angrily. "Why isnt apple the real apple?" "Asked the stupid Wolf. "Yes, its not really apple. Whats the use of learning?" "Said the other children. "Its not clear to you, we dont learn the words, lets tell the story!" The teacher said.

So the teacher told the children the story of little red riding hood, and said, suddenly a shrill voice protested angrily: "no, it is all a rumor, I have never eaten little red riding hood." "Maybe your father did it." "Said one of the children. my father wont do such a thing! "Maybe your grandfather? "Or maybe youre too grandpa? The Wolf thought and said no more, for he did not know whether his grandfather or grandfather had done it.

The teacher wanted to tell the stupid Wolf, the story does not have to be true, and afraid he did not understand, the teacher said: "ok, lets go to gym class!" The silly Wolf and the children came to the playground and lined up on the track. The teacher lets everybody run, who runs fastest, who is the best student of sports.

"Ready, run! As soon as the teachers password was issued, the stupid Wolf ran forward like an arrow.

He had forgotten the turn at the corner of the track, so he went straight across the playground, across the fields, and into the forest.

英语短文故事 20

There was an empty tin in the forest lying on the green grass. It doesnt look right. The monkey said, "its such a nice meadow that it doesnt look like it! It must have been done by people. They are the least clean." The monkey picked up the can and threw it out. Can fly, fly, "dong", hit the boars head. The boar said, "how can you litter? My skin is thick."

The boar dug a hole in his two long teeth and buried the tin for the other mans head. The mole, who was living under the ground, was about to come up for a change of air, and found the passage blocked. The mole was very angry and said, how can I put something I dont like into the earth, and whether I like it or not! The mole dug out the tin again. With an arch of the head, the can rumbles to the rabbits door. The rabbit flew up, "to you!" The can fell into a nest. Father bird moves fast, catches in a moment, does not let the can touch the children. "The mother bird asked," here comes the food for us! Father bird pecked the tin and said, "empty!" The mother bird did not understand: "why send a waste that cant eat!" Father bird pushed the can down again.

There is a stream under the birds nest. The can fell into the stream and floated down the stream. The stream flows, and there is a small river. There is a pair of turtle brothers by the river. Brother turtle said to his brother, "look, there is a good thing floating in the river." He said, "no, its a waste, just like me." His brother was lame and could not go anywhere. Brother turtle went to get the can.

英语短文故事 21

There is a flower in the park, it is beautiful, see small day, always smiling.

Ask the flower every day: "what is your name?"

The flowers just laughed and said nothing.

Every day I held out my little hand to pick this flower.

The grandfather waved his hand and said, "dont pick it every day! If you dont pick her, the flowers will always laugh at you, and when you do, the flowers will cry." Every day do not want to see the little flower to cry to him, every day did not pick.

At this time, the little flower smile more lovely. She became a good friend every day.

Every day when I came home, I told my grandmother, "there is a flower in the park.

Grandmother said: "every day also very good, you are also a little flower that loves to smile."

英语短文故事 22

When winter comes, the north wind blows and the weather is cold. There was a poor bird, who was shivering with cold on the branch.

An old man came up and saw the bird and thought, "how poor the bird is! It will freeze to death on such a cold day." The little bird said to the old man, "the wind has left our nest. We have no home." The old man said, "dont worry. Ill help you figure it out." The old man used his hat to make birds nest for the bird. The hat was warm.

The little bird thought of the many cold birds in the forest, and called them all, and took off in his grandfathers hat. They thanked him very much. Later, grandpa also came to see the birds every day, and the birds sang to the old man every time.

One day the old man did not come, but he was ill. The little bird thought, "grandpa must have given the hat to us, and we got cold and got sick. Lets make a hat for grandpa. The birds used their feathers to make a post for grandpa. The old man thanked the bird very much. He was very ill soon.

英语短文故事 23

There is a baby elephant, just born. On the first day, he saw many small animals. The next day, he knew a lot of flowers and grass. The third day, mother took him to the river, he saw the river and the high mountains. Small elephant say: "the world is really big ah!" A little bird was flying about in the sky.

Small elephant thought: "if I also can fly, can see more thing, how good!

Little elephant climbed to the tree to go to school, "ouch" one, fell a big somersault.

The snake saw it and said, "little elephant, we have our own skill. I cant fly, but I can sleep in a tree."

"I cant fly," said the lion. "but I can jump across the wide river."

The tiger said, "I cant fly, but I can swim."

The mother and father said to the little elephant, "our elephant is very strong. It is a bird that cannot compare."

The little elephant understood, and he was carrying the wood with his father and mother. With a long nose, the big wood moved away. Everybody liked him. Small elephant say: "I am small elephant true happiness."

英语短文故事 24

Its raining. Its bad. Nana doesnt have an umbrella. Nana is standing in the rain.

The little ant came up with a little sorrel and said, "lend you an umbrella." Nana held it, and the little ants umbrella was small.

The frog jumped in with the leaves and said, "lend you an umbrella." A frogs umbrella is a funnel umbrella.

The rabbit took a turnip with a leaf on it and said, "lend you an umbrella." A rabbits umbrella leaks rain.

The little fox with the "taro leaf" to nana, the little foxs umbrella is just right? The rain fell, and nana and the little animals ran.

Big bear with big lotus leaf to say: "lend you an umbrella." The big bears umbrella is very heavy.

The dog came running with an umbrella and said, "lend you an umbrella." Ah, thats nanas umbrella!

On rainy days, with umbrellas in line, who has no umbrella?

英语短文故事 25

There is a gentleman living in a beautiful house. Because his courage was so small, everyone called him a coward.

One day, a big mouse broke into his house. The timid man went at once and caught it in the cellar.

"You let me go! The rat struggled to say, "if I stamp my foot, the whole house will collapse."

Frightened, the timid man let go of him and allowed him to live in the basement.

There is so much food in the basement. The rats eat and drink. Then the big mouse gave birth to a litter of mice, and the mouse grew into a rat. Soon the basement was full of rats.

"No, no! "So many mice live in such a small basement, and you live in so many rooms alone. Its too unreasonable to change the house."

"House change? The timid gentleman lived in the basement, and the mice lived in all the rooms, singing and dancing in the spacious living room, drinking and eating in the fragrant kitchen, and every day was like a feast.

"You should move out! "Why do you live in the basement?" Such a good basement. Are you worthy?"

"What? The timid man stamped his right foot in anger. "dong --" the mice were afraid, and they were all in a panic, thinking that the earthquake was coming.

"Oh, I am so powerful! The timid man grabbed the old broom, and here it was, a dozen there, and there it was, and there, the mouse was beaten, and all fled.

英语短文故事 26

A small chiffon duck, born without hair, sticks the feathers of chicken feathers to his body and becomes a duck. Duck down the street, get hot, buy a stick of ice. Tearing off the lollipop paper, I was just about to find a garbage can to throw away. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the ice paper away.

The duck ran across the three roads with the ice paper. It was easy to get on the ground, and the duck bent over to pick it up, and saw that it was crushed by a big foot.

"Throwing waste paper is to be fined!" The man said. Short classic fairy tale.

"I didnt throw it. It was the wind."

"Who proves it?

Unfortunately, no one has proved it, so I have to accept the punishment: "I bought a stick of ice, and Ill give you the Popsicle."

But big feet dont stick ice: "have no money, I punish chicken hair!" He plucked three feathers from the duck and walked away.

The duck wanted to know what his feathers were used for, and quietly followed that big foot.

I took ten steps, only to listen to the cough of big feet and spit a mouthful. He was immediately seized by a man with a large head: "good! Im finally waiting for a spit! Fine!"

But he couldnt afford it, and he said to the big head, "Im only going to have three chicken feathers for my son. Take it!"

Three feathers were stuck in the hat.

The big head is gone. But the big feet slipped behind the big head, and the duck slipped behind the big feet.

After a dozen more steps, the big head reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette.

The big head just lit up the cigarette, took a breath, the big feet quickly catch up: "ha, this time you can be caught by me! Smoking will pollute the air and be punished." He picked off the three feathers on his big head.

When the duck arrived, he took it back from his big feet and said, "how can you punish someone for doing the dirty work?"

Big feet and big head stared at the chicken feather duck to put the three feathers into the buttocks, waddled off.

英语短文故事 27

Jia jia has a mantra, "no, no, no." In the morning, when it was time to get up, my mother reminded jia jia that she should get up, and jia jia wanted to sleep. She said, "no, no!"

Its not easy for jia jia to get out of bed, my mother said to jia jia, you wash your face and brush your teeth, and Ill prepare breakfast for you. Jia jia is not satisfied, small mouth a pout: "no, no."

Dad said it was a day off, and after breakfast he took allison to the park. This was a good time for jiajia. After breakfast, she followed her father out of the door. At the entrance to the park, jia jia saw someone selling balloons, windmills and paper butterflies. My father bought her a red balloon. She was not satisfied with it, and she had to buy something else. "how can I play with all that stuff in my hand?" Buy it later." Jiajia refused and said, "no, no!" One side simply squat down to the ground not to rise, insist father to buy not.

In the park, jiajia finished the bumper car, played the small train, climbed the hill and rowed the boat. Dad said, its getting late. Lets go home. We can play again next time. Jiajia not obedient, small foot a stamp: "no, no!"

Dad had a lot of trouble to get jia jia to go home. The road, they saw a baby brother crying, originally he balloon was broken, looked at little brother sad, dad advised allison put his hand in the balloon to little brother, and promised to give allison buy new later. Jiajia was not happy, with one hand protecting the balloon and Shouting, "no, no!" I just wouldnt give it to my little brother.

When the bus stop arrived, dad asked jia jia to wait for the bus, but jia jia wanted to take a taxi home. My father said that he had already arrived at the station, next time take a taxi! Jia jia just wont: "no, no!" The car came, jiajia did not go up, father to drag jia jia, jia jia simply lie on the ground??

On this day, my father was tired and angry. Do you know the reason why jiajias father is tired and angry?

英语短文故事 28

Once upon a time, there was a lovely rabbit named bei bei in the forest kingdom. She turned out to be a small, hygienic bunny, but now she seems to have changed, and mother rabbit has reminded her several times that she says, "I know, dont bother me!" Mother rabbit had to leave angrily.

Little by little the little rabbit had grown up, but her bad habit had not changed. Mother rabbit was old and ill, and could no longer remind her of her daughter.

Baby(***hd怎么关闭:打开设置,点击移动网络,选择移动数据,进入页面,将VoLTE高清通话选项关闭即可,打开设置,点击蜂窝网络,选择蜂窝数据选项,点击语音与数据,进入页面后,勾选4G,关闭VoLTE选项即可。) dont like to walk, so she threw the bags of smelly smelly rubbish going down, hit on the sheeps uncle, a few times but also the head of the monkeys uncle, "thick juice" from the inside of the bag son out, flows into their heads. The sheep uncle looked up at the sky and said, "who is so wicked, littering!" Uncle monkey used his trick "flying sky" to jump into a big tree and sweep over the building where the rabbit lived. The little rabbit had to hide himself, for fear that he might be discovered.

Once, the rabbit and her good friend went on an outing. On the way, beibei eats her snack as hard as she can. She eats her ham and drinks, drinks and eats chicken legs. Until she was full. Youre gonna ask her where she left the trash? Garbage can, no! Garbage bags, no! Let me tell you, she threw the garbage on the lawn and the highway, and if you dont believe me, I can show you.

A few days later, there were three bins opposite her home, one "recyclable" and the other "unrecyclable" and one "toxic waste". Beibei is working hard. In the morning, beibei came out of the house carrying a large bag of garbage. She dumped her litter in the recycling bin. But trash bags are not all recyclable. Garbage has batteries, cabbage, carrots, white paper, plastic bags, cans, rags... In the afternoon, the garbage collector came to see the situation and thought, if this continues, the environment of our country will be polluted. What should we do?

Aunt hen found sheep uncle, uncle monkey, sister deer, they talked about this "crime guy".

Finally, uncle sheep knew the answer. He asked what was in the garbage, and the aunt told him that he had carrots and cabbage. The sheep uncle quickly decided, ran to the rabbits house, asked the rabbit: "have you done wrong?" When she saw it, she blushed, and she answered, "I didnt... No!" "Why did you lie to us? It is not good to cheat, of course not to protect the environment is also not good, you think, I am how to know, by you throw of garbage of breed, I knew. Dont you find that a small battery can cause unimaginable consequences to our forest kingdom and pollute the air, you must correct it! Beibei said, "I will correct this shortcoming, I will!" The hens laughed with satisfaction.

英语短文故事 29

In the beautiful forest, there lived an ant family, and Mrs. Ant had fifty children. Only two of them were girls. Ant father took 50 names in a row, and he was busy with his 50 days.

One day, the ant family grew a pair of long legs, and their short legs were gone. The ants are strange. Where are their short legs? The ants went to their neighbor, qiqi, to ask what was the matter. Look, they stay, the qiqi ant family grows long legs, all the ants now have only one idea, where did their short legs go?

The ant family went to find the ants legs together with the qiqi ants. They travelled all the way through the mountains, but they found nothing. One day, the ants came to a cave. All of a sudden, qiqi in the qiqi ant family shouted: "look, all these are thin and short strips!" The ants counted 372 fine strips. As I said, there are 52 ants in the family of ants, and there are eight children in the family of qiqi, and ten of them, plus chichi and kiki. At that moment, the only two girls in the ant family spoke, and they were very surprised and said with one voice, "thats our leg!" "What, you must not joke, looking for our short legs is a very serious matter." The ant father was a little angry, but when he looked at it carefully, he found he was wrong, and he was very wrong. Because the total number of their legs is 372.

When the legs were found, the ants asked the legs, "why did you run away?" . Leg said: "you want to go out and find food, every day in the forest is a hunter to hunt, every hunter left bullet casings in the ground, each of you to go out once, I have to step on a dozen bullet casings, to plunge into a person." When the ants heard their legs, they decided to go to the hunters and let the hunters stop throwing their shells.

The next day, the ants family and the qiqi ants went to the hunters. The ants heard the noise and found the hunter. Chichi, the youngest of the familys youngest voices, climbed up the hunters shoulder and told the hunter their troubles. The hunter, knowing that, had changed his behavior.

At night, when the ants are asleep, all their short legs are back on the ants body.

英语短文故事 30

There was a pine tree in the forest that was 100 years old and respected. Everyone called her "granny pine".

As the pine grandmothers 100th birthday approached, the whole forest was wondering how to make the old man happy. The little frog heard that the trees liked to dress themselves up with mushrooms, so he suggested that the rabbits pick the most beautiful mushrooms, and let the squirrels hang them on the branches of the pines. Still, the cock said well, "just ask grandma pine, what gift does she like?" "Thank you, children! The pines shook the branches of the trees. "I have a long hide the desire of the bottom of my heart, I have 99 times in the summer of greens birthday party, I always think, this birthday can be put on a New Years day all the time to wear, soft light clothes are made with snow? Unfortunately, you dont even have a snowflake!"

The people in the woods began to worry. As it happened, a white butterfly landed on the cats paw. The cat girl immediately thought of a question: "butterfly little sister, do you have many good friends?" "Many, many, the woods, the meadows, the fields... "Are they all white? Are they both soft and light? Are they like snowflakes? "Yes."

And so, on the day of grandmas birthday, all the children gathered together. The cat girl say: "dear pine grandma, please close your eyes!" When her grandmother opened her eyes again, she was shocked: she had a white butterfly fluttering on every branch. White butterfly -- "snowflake". Granny pines are very happy. The children say, "happy New Year! Happy birthday! Happy New Year!"

英语短文故事 31

In a thick forest, there are the cute little bear, the lively monkey, and the noble and graceful peacock... They lived in the beautiful forest and were very happy.

Small bear likes to rub eyes with dirty hands, like to sleep in bed reading, do not like to do eye exercises. One day, the little bear bought a TV set. Sit close to the TV and watch TV every day. In less than a few months, it blurred. Mother bear knew that she was very anxious, and asked the squirrel doctor to know that it was called "myopia". At first, little bear thought it was no big deal, so he didnt care about it. After a few more weeks, the bear was blind. Helpless, mother bear had to give it a pair of glasses.

Its inconvenient to wear a pair of glasses! When the bear is eating fruit from the tree, the glasses are often hung from the branches; When drinking water, glasses often fall into the water; Swimming with friend, wearing glasses in the water, foggy, dont wear glasses, what also cant see clearly, accidentally hit the rock in the water, a large package in his head... Mother bear didnt know how many pairs of glasses she had.

Another time, the cubs are playing games with their friends. Suddenly, the fierce Wolf comes, and the friends run away. The little bear took a few steps, and the glasses fell off. He could not find it, and saw the Wolf coming after him. Little bear rushed forward in a hurry. The bear ran into a tree... Just as the Wolf was about to eat the bear, the black cat sheriff came and saved the bear.

After that, the little bear missed the happy life without myopia. It changed the past, insist on doing eye exercises every day, watch less TV, pay attention to the eye hygiene, finally removed the glasses.

Now, after suffering from the pain of wearing glasses, the bear knows that wearing glasses is not comfortable, so it sees people who do not care for the eyes, always education. With its efforts, the whole forest is not nearsighted.

英语短文故事 32

A pampered little sparrow thinks it is the center of the family. One day, his parents told him about his sisters business. He couldnt stand the criticism from his parents and ran away from home with tears in his eyes.

It just never their prey on the sparrow in accordance with the practice, lazily sat in the branches in the sunshine, but it dont know, no one will give him food, but it dont know, danger is step by step approach towards it. A large, yellow-white striped cat sprang out from behind a branch and gave a gentle cat cry. The little sparrow did not look at it for a moment, without thinking, and said arrogantly, "are you here to serve me?" "Do you want me to wait on you when the big cat waits? Not a door! With that, the little sparrow slipped quickly, or else died.

The little sparrow flies and strays into the shark pond! It was chased by sharks, bitten, panting, sweating, and hungry.

The little sparrow finally flew back to the branch. Suddenly, the serpent said to him, "little sparrow, are you hungry? Come on, eat my meat." The little sparrow fell for it, and flew to the serpents body to eat it. At this moment, the snakes uncle knocked it out and sent it home.

Back at home, the little sparrow and her mother were in pain, and the mother dried her tears and said, "baby, dont cry. Today is your birthday, these are my and your fathers arrangement, otherwise, you have already ordered the yellow spring!" Then the big cat, the shark and the snake, came out and said to him, "happy birthday! In the future, you can learn survival skills well!" "Certainly!" The little sparrow said, "tomorrow, I will write an article and write a little sparrow away from home. The sparrow was in danger everywhere, and at last it came home and was warm. Ok or not?" "Good!" The crowd agreed.

In the laughter, the little sparrow had the most meaningful birthday, which will make him unforgettable all his life, and no longer pretentious.

英语短文故事 33

"Good news, good news, people do not need to worry about the medicine to eat" the little rabbit reporter propaganda the little squirrel to open the drugstore is the matter.

The little squirrel had opened a tiny forest drugstore, and as soon as it opened, a large group of small animals crowded around to buy medicine, and all the medicine in the little squirrels drugstore was sold out. There is only a box of "cough turling capsule", the little squirrel thought: how to do, only one box of medicine left, tomorrow how to tell the customer ah, the medicine sold today is the home useless medicine! By the way, you can go out of business for a day and hire some of the workers who will make the medicine.

This is the spirit, the little monkey that can make medicine is looking for a job! The little monkey took some time to make a lot of drugs, but the squirrel was going to be paid. Ah, how can 200 animal COINS be possible, ah, the money that must sell a day to make money to small monkey.

In this way, pharmacy, the business is thriving, little monkey is becoming more and more busy, wage animal currency rose to 200 from 290 animal COINS, the little squirrel calculated, 400 animals can earn money every day, the little squirrel make a lot of money, also can send money home.

Chickens ate the drugstore medicine condition did not improve, it may be getting worse, it bears the inspector know at once by the forest law enforcement, went to the drugstore to find the little squirrel, the little squirrel said: "this medicine is not I, is made of little monkey." The inspector went to the little monkey house and asked the monkey, "did the chicken take the medicine?" The little monkey said, "I made it, but I made it at the squirrel store." "I wont make any medicine at all," said the little squirrel. "how do you command the monkey to make medicine?"

In this way, the bear detective grew up from the little monkey house to the little squirrel home, and from the little squirrel home to the little monkey house, the director of the bear thought that the monkey was the real criminal suspect, and caught the monkey.

Little squirrel finally knew the knowledge of making medicine, also learned to make medicine, from now on, "pico forest pharmacy" more and more red fire.

英语短文故事 34

In a large wooded forest, the animals scampered around happily. The little monkey was running through the trees, and the birds were singing beautiful songs on the branches, and the deer was drinking and resting by the stream as usual. The whole forest is permeated with harmony!

"Sudden! There was a sound of cars coming from the levee on the edge of the mountain. A blue van, and the exhaust behind it, broke the silence of the forest.

The car had stopped, and the two men were talking about something in it.

"Bald li! One of them is bald lee! The bald head li can be our mugger here, specially bully the weak person!

"Fifty dollars! Dont be done!" And then "good! The light head li lifted the toolbox to the forest, and the car went farther and farther until it disappeared.

The bald man came to the thickest part of the tree. His copper eyes were full of murderous rage, as if he were searching for something. When he came to the big tree, and looked him up and down, he said firmly, "well, thats the one!" So he opened the toolbox and put on his new overalls and took out the axe. "The voice rang. Bald lee wants to chop down trees!

The axe in his hand, like the devil, swallowed the life of the tree, and the axe grew louder and louder, and alarmed all the animals. The birds in the trees were flying about, and a little bird couldnt help it. He rushed up and grabbed the bald mans shoulder and pecked his head with his sharp mouth. "there must be worms in this wooden head!" Many birds went to peck at the head of the bald head.

After a fierce struggle, li was driven away.

Did the little bird just say there was a worm in his head? No! It is warning to mankind: to harm nature, is to harm oneself!

英语短文故事 35

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit who liked to brag. He was boasting almost every word. Everyone dont like it, mother advised its dont brag again every day, but it has fallen, taught in the school it teachers said: "the rabbit mouth didnt switch, is" the stone is stuck!

One day, the village of the dog to go to the home please it, little rabbit can be happy, coming out of the door, and mom asked a way: "dont brag, everyone hates you, no one wants to play with you anymore."

The rabbit came to the puppys house. After a long time, he made another mistake. He said, "Im good enough to eat the croc in the swamp." Puppy a listen to dont believe, said: "that we bet in today before it gets dark, if you can catch the crocodile, I will give you do a pair of shoes with a crocodile, reoccupy crocodile meat do a sumptuous dinner for you!"

"No problem," said the little rabbit, patting his chest. "look at me."

It immediately to the swamp, see crocodiles in there, little rabbit afraid, but its hard support, put her feet into the swamp, I saw a large group of the crocodile swam toward it, tear tear, pull the pull, the rabbits ears are very long very long, the tail is bitten into a small pompon, mouth ripped into three disc, eyes also bite out of the blood, and changed into red, it loudly cry for help, with the help of the mother and friends, little rabbit finally was saved.

Mother rabbit put her arm around the black and blue rabbits, crying and crying, the little rabbit also cried with regret: "mom, I will not brag any more."

When the rabbit was injured, it became red eyes, long ears, short tail, and three lobes. Then all the rabbits became red eyes, long ears, short tails, and three claps.

英语短文故事 36

Today, a little (a naive and lovely bird) are playing air, fly to the city, suddenly, she saw people in the barbecue, so she flew over to watch the scene of bustle, but she have no place to stand, because only the stumps, no trees, the grass also has been destroyed, there are a lot of people walking with dogs on a leash, so she had to stand in one place is hidden on the ground. When she saw what was lying on the grill... She felt a shudder, and there was a frog with a white belly on it!

"Oh my god! How could that be! "A little scream. The shriek made a little boy find little, and he took the slingshot of his father and knocked him down. The little boy ran quickly, picking up the little bird and preparing the roast bird.

She hated herself for not listening to her mother. She always said, "dont run away, or you will be caught and killed. "But she did not believe that she hated herself too much. She thought that the human heart was beautiful, because human beings would not kill animals, and would make friends with them. But...... She didnt realize that humans were so cruel, so cold, so crazy...

"Man, brother frog catches vermin for you, so that you can harvest in the autumn, good friends of crops, and you, not only do not repay him, but also... Whats wrong with me? Im just a bird, and Im not a threat to you! If you go on like this, you will only harm you, mankind, wake up, save us! Suddenly, a little black, her young life was taken away by mankind!

英语短文故事 37

The hare was the champion of the Olympic race and everyone cheered the hare.

Rabbit becomes more and more proud. One day, the rabbit saw those soft-on-terror turtle, and said to the that you run the slowest thing. "said the tortoise rabbit champion, I always admire you very much, dont you bullying. Can you race with me? Little turtle since you are my admiration, I made you this wish, turtle you say long game? the hare says the tortoise answers, thats next Monday, isnt it? bystanders heard all laughed, said "the tortoise, hard stone to touch eggs, even the tortoises uncle said the tortoise clunky. The turtle heard very sad, I thought I must let you sit up and take notice. The tortoise went home hard training, and the rabbit is going to travel. On Monday, warm special sports field. A sound a gong. The hare and the tortoise are scrambling to run, all the audience cheer in and rabbits, and no one to cheer the tortoise, the tortoise but not sad, but have YiGuJin let it blunt come forward to, but the rabbit runs faster than it. The rabbit and the tortoise also slowly shrink after the reduction, thats just found a big tree, the tortoise, the results of the rabbit fell asleep, the tortoise in the tree, see the rabbit fell asleep, I thought you won the championship after the arrogant, today I will take you down a peg or two pressure one. gong wake up the rabbit. What sound is the rabbit stood up and have a look at the tortoise caught it, won the championship. The audience gave the tortoise them around and flowers.

The rabbit was so sad that he went back home and cried for three days and three nights. Then the rabbits eyes turned red.

英语短文故事 38

One day, little monkey. The hedgehog. The lambs were going to cross the river, but a few days of heavy rain had broken the bridge, and they could not pass. What can I do about it? Several small animals were in a rush. At that moment, the elephant walked slowly from afar, and he smiled and asked, "whats the matter, children?" The little monkey hurriedly said: "the bridge broke, we can not cross the river!" "What is to be done? The lamb was so anxious that tears fell down. The hedgehog was so anxious that all the thorns in his body stood up. The elephant calmly replied, "whats so hard about this? Look at me! Then he stretched out his long nose and took a good breath in the river, and in a moment the water was sucked up. The little animals sailed across the river.

The apple tree in the forest was full of big red apples, and the little white rabbit saw it and was very greedy. He jumped and jumped, sweating, and couldnt reach it. At that moment, the eager elephant passed by again, and it saw the little white rabbits mind, and extended its long nose, and the apple was picked off the branch with a twist. The little white rabbit applauded happily.

Soon, all the little animals in the forest said, "the elephants nose is very useful!"

英语短文故事 39

One day, the kitten was playing with his good friend, the little rabbit.

The little rabbit knew he was going to play in his own home. Then the rabbit told the family said: "you must be a good host kittens and puppies, it is both my best friend, if you make them angry, they may not make friends with me, do you understand? Remember to entertain the kittens."

After a long time, the cat and the puppy really came to the rabbits house, and the rabbit opened the door and invited the two to come in and pour the water and give them the candy. After a while, the rabbit took the kitten and the dog to play together. The little rabbit, because of his treatment of the two, he and the rabbit.

Little rabbit is how treasure friendship. I also want to learn from the rabbit.

英语短文故事 40

Since the fox cheated the tiger, the fox has been preaching about his cleverness. The story spread to the tigers ears. The tiger was very angry and said, "fox is so cunning, I was deceived by it."

One morning the tiger went down to exercise. As he walked along, he saw the fox who had cheated him last time, and thought to himself, I will eat this sly fox today. He ran up to the fox and said, "hey, old fox." Startled, the fox ran home. The tiger grabbed the fox and said, "brother fox, I wont eat you. Lets be a good friend and go to see the sunrise, will you?" When the fox believed it, he said, "well, lets go and see the sunrise. Then they went to the forest, and the tiger took the foxs attention, and jumped at the fox, and ate the fox, and the tiger took a hearty meal, and went on its way.

英语短文故事 41

In the corner of a sea, there are many small red fish. Only one is blue, but it is smart and cute. It swims faster than brothers and sisters. A terrible day came. A big black fish came. He was very hungry and fierce, for he had not eaten for days. The big fish ate the little blue fishs family, and the little blue fish ran away with his wisdom.

It went deep into the sea and was very sad. But for a moment it rejoiced. It saw jellyfish like transparent jelly, and the coral was dazzled by its beautiful clothes. The little blue fish found a group of little red fish, and the little blue fish said to the little red fish happily, "come on, lets play!" The little red fish said, "no, the big fish will eat us." "Then you cant stay here all the time?" "Said the little blue fish. Soon the little blue fish came up with something. He said to his companions, "I will be eyes when you are in a big fish." Everyone lined up, the little blue fish is really like a blue eye.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and the water was shining brightly. The little fish lined up and set off. They were afraid of the big fish, and they were very happy.

In the future, the small fish are not afraid of big fish, living freely in the sea.

英语短文故事 42

There was a place in the forest, full of colorful flowers, and the flowers were talking about who was the most beautiful.

The rose cleared his throat and said, "look, how beautiful miss peony is! She is really the princess of our family!"

Peony listen to the middle, so some embarrassed, red face, modestly said: "our peony only by the nice face for people viewing, attract butterflies, bee pollen for us. Really great, and a number of laurel big sister. Not all say osmanthus flowers, 10 li fragrance!

"No, no, no, my fragrance is to attract the bees to spread the pollen," said osmanthus. Osmanthus refers to the nearby impatiens, said; "The child has no good face, but it is very useful."

Who is the most beautiful in the garden? It doesnt really matter. As long as you can bring joy to others, comfort, happiness, health, you are the most beautiful!

英语短文故事 43

When autumn arrived, the little white rabbit took the balloon and went to play in the forest.

Because it is autumn, the fruit of the tree falls on the head of the little white rabbit. The little white rabbit cried, and then the balloon floated away from the white rabbits hand, and the little white rabbit cried even more, and at that moment the bird came.

The little bird said, "little white rabbit, why are you crying?"

"My balloon went up into the sky," said the little white rabbit.

"The bird said," this is a good thing to do!" Then the bird picked up the balloon as fast as it could.

The little white rabbit is taking over the balloon, as if into the world of friendship. She was very happy.

英语短文故事 44

One day, the little rabbit went into the woods to pick mushrooms. A Wolf sees to say: "I want to eat you" a tiger walked to say: "Wolf elder brother, we two come to eat this rabbit!" "The Wolf said," good!

Just then a fox came. The fox said, "we three will eat this rabbit!" The Wolf and the tiger said, "good." The fox said, "you two go to find some food. I am looking at this rabbit here." So they went to find the food. The fox took the rabbit and ran away.

When the Wolf and the tiger came back, they saw that the fox and the rabbit were gone. The Wolf and the tiger said, "we were fooled by the fox."

英语短文故事 45

Little rabbit, duck and chicken are neighbors. One day at noon, the little rabbit borrow a basin from the chicken, the chicken say: "I want to use, do not borrow!" In the afternoon, the duckling asks the chicken for water.

The chicken pretended to say: "today I am tired, go to find a rabbit!" In the evening, it was raining cats and dogs, and the roof of the chickens house was broken by the rain.

The chicken shrieked, "somebody, who can help me fix the roof?" the duckling and the rabbit heard the chicken shrieking, picked up the toolbox and gave the chicken the roof. The rain stopped and the roof was repaired. The chick sees the rabbit and the duckling wet and wet. He bowed his head in embarrassment and said, "thank you!"

英语短文故事 46

One day, there was a sick tree in the great forest, and the little tree looked forward to being treated. When the woodpecker came, he saw a tree without a leaf. The tree must have been ill. The woodpecker flew to see the insect in the tree.

He took the worm out of the tree and flew away. The little tree smiled at the place where the woodpecker flew. At night the little tree sleeps. The next day came, the little tree was covered with green leaves, and the little tree smiled happily.

英语短文故事 47

Once upon a time an ant kingdom, where the ants were in droves.

Once, the kingdom floods, washing away a large number of ants. One day a clever ant said to the king, "we are a little insecure in this city." The king thought it was a little unsafe, and the king thought, "if you move to the curb, you can eat what you throw out of the car."

The next day, the king led all the ants to a road and settled down. What they eat is continuous. One day, a truck passed by, destroying the city of ants. A batch of ants died. An old ant said to the king, "it is not safe here." The king thought, where should I live? The king thought it would be safer to go or move to the corner.

On the third day, the king led very few ants to the corner of the wall, and they settled down.

On the fourth day, a man walked to the corner of the wall carrying the garbage, threw the rubbish away, and killed all the ants.

I thought the king was stupid.

英语短文故事 48

There are a few families in a busy forest, they are: the little monkey who loves to climb the tree; The tall elephant family; The lovely bunny...

One day, a little monkey father with a baby monkey risk (risk because sometimes have the eagle on the top of the mountain, sometimes there will be some pecking bird) to climb the mountain, when they climb the mountain, an eagle with wings little monkey father and baby monkey took the top of the hill, fortunately the injury is not serious.

When he got home, the monkey said to his mother, "I want to fly freely in the air like a hawk!"

That night the baby was not sleeping all night, and he was wondering whether I should go to the shortest cliff adventure test flight. The next morning, the little monkey had an answer, and he thought I would go for a test flight this noon.

At noon, the little monkey jumped off the cliff. He waved his arms like a hawk in the air, but he did not expect the baby to rise, but gradually fell off the cliff. His leg was broken and his back was slightly injured. At this time, the monkey was sorry for making such a big decision, but it was not urgent.

英语短文故事 49

Once upon a time, there was a lazy donkey, lazy and stupid.

One day, the master asked the donkey to carry salt to the market. The donkey carried heavy salt and walked slowly, panting and puffing. Then a river appeared. The donkey went down the river, and, with difficulty, came to the bank. Suddenly, it felt a lot easier. Looking back, the bag became smaller. It thought: it turns out, everything will be light in the water! Im going to soak in the water.

Another day, the master asked the donkey to carry a pack of things to the market. The bag was not heavy, but the donkey was tired. It thought: Id better dip in the water, and that would be easier. So he went to the water and went around in a few circles. However, the things on the back not only became lighter, but became heavier. The donkey thought: how can this be? It was so puzzled that it had to go one step at a time with heavy steps, and soon it was too tired to sweat.

Stupid donkey, this time you are carrying a sponge, the sponge soaked how will it be the same weight? You are self-defeating!

英语短文故事 50

One day, when the vegetable farmer zhang dab weeded in the garden, he heard a chattering noise. So he put down his work and wanted to hear what was going on. Ah, it was the tomato and the red pepper.

The ripe tomato is hanged on the branch, strut the mouth to say: "everybody see me, round red face, the person see a person love, how beautiful!" Over there, the red "hot air" was unconvinced, pointing at the tomato: "you, the long round head melon brain is like a what! Look at me in red, and Im slender and uplifting!" They did not condescend to each other, and the quarrel rose and fell, and the conflict reached fever pitch.

The noise of "a wave above a wave" woke up the tall, stout grandfather of camphor tree. Camphor tree grandfather said: "beauty is not beautiful, do not look at the appearance, to see if it is good for mankind. You see sweet potato, taro, potato and peanut are covered by earth, never show up, nutrition value is high, what good quality ah!"

The tomato and the "hot air" listened to the calm, repeatedly nods, all silent. The garden was quiet, and uncle zhang was busy with his work again.

英语短文故事 51

A long time ago, there lived many small rabbits in a large forest. The little bunny has fur as colorful as a peacock.

Little rabbits live very happy, but there are a lot of lions and tigers in the forest and some other carnivorous animals feed on them, the rabbits without defense ability, only to avoid the thunder and lead to forest fire, one day the animals in the forests of the rush to escape some of the rabbit didnt escape was burned into gray MAO, another part of the rabbit fled to a place without food, also chased by a lion all day long, sharp eyes are red, MAO also urgent white!

Thats why the rabbits now have only two shades of grey.

英语短文故事 52

"Hey! A: hello! A: hello! The forest games begin! The lion king spoke with delight in the microphone. The magpie decided to announce the rules of the game on the side of the tree.

"SHH!" At the sound of a whistle, the sports meeting finally began. The little dog tried his best to lift the weight and saw that it was about to stand up. The cat jumped at the rope easily. The big white goose, with its long, long neck, swells and wags its hips as if in Latin dance. "Tweet! Can be compared. Zha!" The ground was screaming in the air. The sun smiled red and hid itself in the thick clouds.

The forest games are really lively!










