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  • 作文
  • 2024-03-04 20:49
  • admin

The an in the picture

L at the picture! There is an ld an in the picture. His head is bald. L at his ees, the are fishlie, (应加上连词and) the are s big. I thin his nse is high-bridged, but it is nt hed. His face is ver flabb. And he has a big uth. It’s nt full. He wears a white T-shirt, (应加上and) he wears cnservative (应用副词cnservativel). His ears l ver sall, because his face is ver lng and big. He wears a clean white T-shirt.

I thin the an is ver ugl. Hw abut u?


M favrite star

M favrite star is Zhang ie. He has gt a rund face and he is thin. He has curl hair and fringes. His hair is chestnut and his ees are sall. His eelid(应是eelids) are dubled and his eelashes are lng. He has gt a great high nse bridge. I lie his teeth because the’re even. His bac is straight and he is tall. He is ver handse and grgeus. His dress is fashinable.


M classate

She is classate. Her nae is Xu Bingu. Her face is rund and dipled. Her hair stle is (应加上a) pntail, and her hair is et-blac. She has tw big and water ees and lng eelashes. She als has a high-bridged (加上nse) and tw sall ears. Her uth is generus, and her teeth are even. She has a rund chin and a bull nec. Her bac is stiff. She is ind f shrt but reall cute and prett. Her dress is tid and fashinable, and she usuall wears a blac bluse. Her sile is sunn.

We are gd friends.



I have a rund face. And when I watch (应是l in) the irrr, I can see a pallid face. I a well-featured but I have se piple (piples). I dn’t have an diple (diples).

M haircut is a crew cut. Seties it’s center parting and seties it’s side parting. And hair is et-blac. I have tw big ees, and the are clse-set. And I have duble eelids. And I even have lng eelashs (应是eelashes).

M nse is pinted. I have a pair f beautiful ears, and I have a big uth, s seties I a ver big uth (应为seties I a a ver big uth). M teeth are even (abe, it’s ust I thin), and the clr are blnde. M chin is rund, and nec is a little lng. M bell is flat because I a t thin thugh I eat a lt f things (fd更好) ever da. M bac is a little bended. I a f ediu height and I a ver thin. M classates sa that I a ver cute but I dn’t thin s.

M dress is tid and well-featured, but (没有转折关系,用and更好) seties it’s ver fashinable!


M favrite star

Aiaa Mi is favrite star. She is sli. Her hair is lng and straight. Seties her hair stle is (加上a) bun. Her ees are water. She has lng eelashes. Her nse is pinted. Her sile is happ. She has a slender nec. But usuall her dress is cnservative, because Mi is a sh girl. Even thugh, an peple shut at her that (应该为an peple call her) “Miss Aiaa”. Her legs are slender. But I still thin she is ver grgeus.


M classate

Oh, d u thin this b is reall ill-ling? He is classate in schl. His nae is Dai Shunxin. D u thin his f(512是什么意思?512是国际护士节,定在每年的5月12日,是为纪念护理学科的创始人弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔而设立的节日。)ace ust lies a piece f square and white paper? He ls ver pr. His hair is atted and brwn. He has a crew cut. His ees aren’t water at all, and the’re fishlie. His nse is als ill-ling, and it’s a hed nse. He has agged teeth and his teeth aren’t ver clean. He is bended, s he ls ver shrt. He is ugl but he usuall has a sunn sile. Thugh he is reall ill-ling and everbd usuall laughs at hi, he studies ver hard!


M favrite persn

She is ver grgeus everwhere. She has a dipled face. It’s ver lvel, well-featured. And her hair stle is curl, it’s shrt and ind f chestnut. Her ees are dew. Her nse is shrt but beautiful. Her uth is full, and there are even teeth. Her bac is stiff, s she ls lie a (加上nuber)“threee”. She has a sli figure, s she is gd-ling. Her height is lng (身高应为tall) but nt t tall. She alwas wears a tid dress, and her sile is friendl. She is favrite persn—Baubuzhen Lin.


M best friend

She is best friend, called Wang Linutng. Her face is thin, and big featured. And she alwas has diple (应为diples) when she siles. Her hair stle is shrt and straight. And she has fringes. Her hair is et-blac. Her ees are water. She has a sall uth. Her teeth are capped. She ls lie (去掉lie) prett. She alwas wears well-dressed (she is alwas well-dressed). She is s beautiful. She is best friend, Wang Linutng.

D u lie her?
