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  • 古籍
  • 2024-06-08 07:57
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三分钟英语小故事 1

A country mouse invited his cousin who lived in the city to come visit him. The city mouse was so disappointed with the sparse meal which was nothing more than a few kernels of corn and a couple of dried berries.

"My poor cousin," said the city mouse, "you hardly have anything to eat! I do believe that an ant could eat better! Please do come to the city and visit me, and I will show you such rich feasts, readily available for the taking."

So the country mouse left with his city cousin who brought him to a splendid feast in the citys alley. The country mouse could not believe his eyes. He had never seen so much food in one place. There was bread, cheese, fruit, cereals, and grains of all sorts scattered about in a warm cozy portion of the alley.

The two mice settled down to eat their wonderful dinner, but before they barely took their first bites, a cat approached their dining area. The two mice scampered away and hid in a small uncomfortable hole until the cat left.

Finally, it was quiet, and the unwelcome visitor went to prowl somewhere else. The two mice ventured out of the hole and resumed their abundant feast. Before they could get a proper taste in their mouth, another visitor intruded on their dinner, and the two little mice had to scuttle away quickly.

"Goodbye," said the country mouse, "You do, indeed, live in a plentiful city, but I am going home where I can enjoy my dinner in peace."

三分钟英语小故事 2

In 1861 the Civil War started in the United States between the Northern and the Southern states. The war continued with great bitterness until 1865,when the Northerners were victorious.

However, even today, many Southerners have not forgotten their defeat, or forgiven the Northerners.A few years ago, a party of American tourists were going round one of the battlefields of the Civil War with a guide who came from one of the Southern states. At each place, the guide told the tourists stirring stories about how a few Southern soldiers had conquered powerful forces of Northerners there.At last, one of the tourists, a lady who came from the North, stopped the guide and said to him,“But surely the Northern army must have won at least one victory in the Civil War?”“Not as long as Im the guide here, madam,”answered the Southern guide.

三分钟英语小故事 3

There was a bookseller who did not like to pay for anything. One day a big box of books fell on his foot.“Go to the doctor,”said his wife,“show that foot to him.”“No,”he said,“Ill wait until the doctor comes to our shop next time.

Then Ill ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay.”The next day the doctor came to the shop to buy some books. The bookseller told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it and promised to help.He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it.“Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night.”he said.“Thank you.”said the bookseller.“And now, sir, here are your books.”“How much?”asked the doctor.“Two pounds.”“Good,”said the doctor.“I shall not have to pay you anything today.”“Why?”asked the bookseller.“I have examined your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I usually charge two pounds. And I came here today, didnt I? Bye-bye!”

三分钟英语小故事 4

mr. chairman, i join my colleague mr. rangel in thanking you for giving the junior members of this committee the glorious opportunity of sharing the pain of this inquiry. mr. chairman, you are a strong man, and it has not been easy but we have tried as best we can to give you as much assistance as possible.

earlier today, we heard the beginning of the preamble to the constitution of the united states: "we, the people." its a very eloquent beginning. but when that document was completed on the seventeenth of september in 1787, i was not included in that "we, the people." i felt somehow for many years that george washington and alexander hamilton just left me out by mistake. but through the process of amendment, interpretation, and court decision, i have finally been included in "we, the people."

today i am an inquisitor. an hyperbole would not be fictional and would not overstate the solemnness that i feel right now. my faith in the constitution is whole; it is complete; it is total. and i am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction, of the constitution.

"who can so properly be the inquisitors for the nation as the representatives of the nation themselves?" "the subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men." and thats what were talking about. in other words, [the jurisdiction comes] from the abuse or violation of some public trust.

三分钟英语小故事 5

One day a little ant was walking along the bank of a stream. His foot slipped and he fell into the water. “Oh, help, help!” cried the ant. A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree over the stream and heard his cry of help. “Oh, poor ant!” said the dove. “I will help the ant.”

The dove pulled off a leaf and dropped it near the ant. “Here is a leaf. Climb on it,” said the dove. The ant climbed on it at once and floated to the bank.

A few days after this a hunter found the dove and was going to shoot her. Just then the ant passed by and said to

himself, “This time I must help the dove.” The ant ran to the hunter and bit his foot hard. The hunter sprang up and missed to shoot the dove. The dove said to the ant, “Thank you very much, my little friend. You have saved my life,” and she could fly away happily.

三分钟英语小故事 6

A self-important lion in the jungle tried to make his mastery clear to all.

He was so confident that he paid no attention to the smaller animals and went right up to a bear. He asked the bear, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The bear replied, "Of course you are."

Then the lion asked a tiger the same question. The tiger replied with some reluctance, "Of course you are." And then he went to ask an elephant. But the elephant would not allow the lion to do so. He suddenly took hold of the lion with his long nose and bounced the lion against a tree, leaving him bleeding and badly shaken up.

When the lion finally got up, he blamed the elephant and said: "Even if you couldnt answer my question, its not necessary for you to act so rough."

三分钟英语小故事 7

There is a naughty boy in a village. He likes telling lies. One day he wants to make fun of the farmers. So he shouts, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” The kind farmers are working in the field. They hear the shout, and hurry to help the boy. But when get there, the boy says: “There isn’t a wolf. I’m joking. The farmers are angry and go back to their field. After a while the boy shouts again, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” And the farmers come and are cheated again. The boy laughs and laughs. They say, “You tell lies. We will not believe you.”

Later a wolf really comes. The boy is very scared. “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” the boy shouts and shouts. “Help! Help!” But no one comes. And wolf eats the naughty boy.

三分钟英语小故事 8

The yardman comes every two weeks. He drives a gray pickup truck. The truck is a Ford. It is about 15 years old, but it runs well. It doesn’t burn oil, and it gets decent gas mileage. The yardman’s name is Byron.

In the back of his truck are a lawn mower, a leaf blower, a rake, and a shovel. Byron uses the leaf blower to blow leaves and dirt from the back of the building out to the front of the building. Then he rakes up the leaves into a bag. He blows the dirt out into the street. He cuts the lawn with his lawn mower. He trims the hedge. He uses the leaf blower to blow the dirt off each Welcome mat that lies in front of each apartment door.

Then he puts all the leaves, the grass trimmings, and the hedge clippings into a wheelbarrow. He pushes the wheelbarrow to the back of the building, where he uses his big shovel to empty the wheelbarrow contents into the big dumpster. It takes Byron about two hours to do this work.

When he is done, he goes half a block up the street to the house on the corner. There he does the same work again.

三分钟英语小故事 9

A, working as A white-collar in the joint venture company, I feel that my ambition is not appreciated by my superiors. I often think that if I can see my boss one day, I will have A chance to show my talents.

A colleague B, also had the same idea, he further, ask the boss to work time, good he will probably be in when into the elevator, he also to take the elevator at this time, hope to meet old total, can have A chance to say hello.

Their colleague C goes further. Details about the course of struggle of the boss, find out boss graduated from school, interpersonal style, the issue of concern, has designed a few words of simple but weight of prologue, in good time to take the elevator, after a few times call with boss, had a long talk with boss, finally one day, to a better job soon.

Fools miss opportunities, wise men seize opportunities, winners create opportunities. The opportunity is only for those who are prepared.

三分钟英语小故事 10

A famous game theorist, having won the Clark prize, was set to give aseries of lectures at prestigious universities throughout the northeast. For thetask, he hired a car and driver to take him from place to place . With nothing else to do, the driver would sit in on the highlytechnical lectures. After several lectures, the driver commented to theeconomist, "You know, Ive heard your lecture so much that I think I coulddeliver it myself." The economist found this idea intriguing and decided toswitch places with him at his next lecture.

The driver gave the talk flawlessly. However, after the lecture, some onein the audience asked him a rather technical question that the driver had noidea how to even begin to answer. The driver considered it for a moment, andthen replied, "That question is so easy, even my driver can answer it."
